1. _____ shows that homegrown food has already lost its dominance among Koreans.
(A) Research
(B) Researching
(C) Researched
(D) Researcher

2. The archive will help you find materials and pictures and _____ information about the cultural background of the city.
(A) another
(B) few
(B) each other
(D) other

불가산명사-셀수 없는 명사, Research, Information, equipment
a piece of equipment, run a machine,
Toeic 에서 ~ing, ~ed 는 답이 안돼? 빈칸 앞에 The / a 가 있어야 한다.

불가산 앞에 another 못쓴다.
another 다음에는 단수 (another table),
other 다음복수 other questions?
other 다음 불가산 other information
each other 는 사람... each other's information 이 되지

by 용보더 2012. 3. 15. 09:05